
27 Feb 2021



so now we got the store and the parser working. My friend wanted me to write the react UI for the application, so I did. It took me probably a few hours to get it done, but three days to get started because I had to figure out so much stuff. My friend has been yelling at me to go learn JS basics but I’ve been procrastinating. Ended up going through tons of youtube vids and documentation and putting random code together (Hey, at least they didn’t spaghetti!). Now we get this stupid input/output thing working. Format is an absolute trash but who cares… .. right?

I think my biggest issue right now is that I’m not familiar with the syntax at all; however, I do notice that as I started to navigate around things more and more, it gets easier. Hopefully more practice will help.

It’s also been a pretty busy week for me, unpacking stuff, meeting friends, preparing for uni (since the term starts next week), and on top of that my clan has a Runecraft competition in OSRS, and I’m planning to win it. Good thing about RC is that it’s fairly AFK, which means I can just click my game once every few mins and code at the same time.

I’ll probably let my friend put up with that shitty UI for the time being as I dig Google for some random beginner React project ideas that I can learn from. Got a few on the list at the moment, so I’ll probably create each of them to learn as much as I can about React, JS, and TypeScript. Will try to update my progress through this blog if my brain isn’t dead from everything.

Til then, see ya!,

Your doggo