Guten Tag everyone,
This is probably the most awkward blog you’d ever read in your life. My F-I-R-S-T ever blog and I don’t even know what to write on it yet. Well getting this whole thing running is already an accomplishment in itself so I guess today I’ll talk about the supposedly months-long process of me setting this up.
So I’ve been planning to write personal blogs since probably around November last year, I’ve been struggling to find the framework I want to use for it. I did a bit of Laravel in class, switched to learning Django afterward, then as soon as I got my Django site up, my friend introduced me to Jamstack. And if you think that’s the end of it, you’re wrong.
I tried Gatsby, followed the tutorial until the end, then someone told me about NextJS. A lost dog I was, I decided to delete my whole Gatsby project and tried NextJS. Just two days after I started to settle down with NextJS, I learnt that Gatsby actually has much better support for Images and decided to switch back.
This followed with two full days of me initiating and deleting my Gatsby project as I tried to decide which template I wanted to go with: “Ghost looks nice, but I wanted to learn how to customise things, so how about starting from scratch?”, “But I have other things I want to learn, maybe I should just get some nice template so I only have to worry about the content of the blog, then move on to something else?”
Anyways, after maybe scrapping and creating the project like 4 times, I settled with the Gatsby starter blog theme. The basic layouts set up for me so I can just write a new post and maybe eventually figure out how to improve this blog and make it beautiful.
Hopefully you enjoyed my messy-as-hell writing. Stay tune for more posts (and better-looking pages) sometimes!